中间通道解决: 蒸汽热电联产将多余的蒸汽货币化,并使现有的电力需求脱碳.
石油炼制解决: Replace package boilers with combined heat 和 power for more economic source of energy while also decarbonizing.
跨国食品生产商解决方案: 长期风电PPA脱碳运营.
综合化学解决方案: 支持锅炉混氢,降低碳强度.
燃气公用事业解决方案: 从有机原料中长期摄取低CI RNG.
捕获和隔离CO2 当碳氢化合物原料不可避免时.
石油 & 天然气生产商解决: 碳运输和封存系统,以解决大型工业部门的排放.
发电解决: 固存系统支持低碳密集型天然气发电.
The TC Energy 电子交易平台 combined with our investment-grade credit rating allows us to design risk-management solutions that fit both our internal needs as well as those of our customers.
威尼斯电玩城手游的愿景是成为 一流能源基础设施公司 在北美.
TC Energy Marketing helps enable this vision by providing value-adding solutions to our customers through leveraging expertise in commodity trading, 风险管理和实物市场操作. 威尼斯电玩城手游活跃于各个市场,包括美国的天然气、液体、电力和排放.S. 和加拿大.
威尼斯电玩城手游利用威尼斯电玩城手游在欧洲大陆的存在为威尼斯电玩城手游的客户提供灵活的服务, 具有成本效益的解决方案,以管理他们的能源和风险管理需求. 通过威尼斯电玩城手游营销, 一组交易员(权力), 原油, 天然气, 和 emissions) 和 analysts oversee physical 和 financial portfolio risk management that allow companies to meet low-carbon 和 renewable energy goals while reducing their energy costs.
TC Energy活跃于行业论坛,包括 北美能源市场协会.
Steeped in expansive experience in the power 和 energy arenas, TC Energy Marketing teams offer:
- 能源采购、对冲和优化
- 碳和环境属性采购和对冲
- 管理不同市场和不同条件下的商品风险敞口
- 管理来自客户和内部业务的位置风险
- 解决环境暴露问题,以满足客户和内部需求
凭借威尼斯电玩城手游在天然气和液体管道,储存和发电方面的专业知识, our trading capability has exp和ed to include energy procurement 和 power 和 emissions trading. 以威尼斯电玩城手游的投资级信用评级和能源和电力足迹为后盾, 威尼斯电玩城手游可以设计定制的金融和实物产品来管理风险和创造价值.
Companies such as TC Energy have long used the ability to trade commodities 和 power to manage risk. Now TC Energy is utilizing its trading experience to build out a power 和 emissions platform to meet its strategic needs as well as those of its customers. 结合原油、天然气和液化天然气, TC Energy Marketing offers a diverse menu of options aimed at helping customers gain access to new products. 通过营销来扩大专业知识是顺理成章的下一步, 原创和交易能力.
作为一家能源基础设施公司, 威尼斯电玩城手游认识到威尼斯电玩城手游在更大的能源系统中的角色, 包括威尼斯电玩城手游自己排放的温室气体.
We are leaders in the development of a balanced 和 sustainable energy future 和 we’re doing our part to manage our GHG emissions through the programs 和 initiatives that meet, 而且经常超过, 监管要求.
U.S. 天然气营销
作为一家能源基础设施公司, 威尼斯电玩城手游认识到威尼斯电玩城手游在更大的能源系统中的角色, 包括威尼斯电玩城手游自己排放的温室气体.
We are leaders in embracing our 能源过渡 和 we’re doing our part to manage our GHG emissions through the programs 和 initiatives that meet, 而且经常超过, 监管要求.
U.S. 电力市场营销
从2021年开始,威尼斯电玩城手游营销公司开始在美国开展业务.S. 电力营销服务. 专注于优化风险,提升价值,为客户提供创新的解决方案. 美国.S. power team participates within the following key US Power Markets: PJM, ERCOT, MISO, CAISO 和 SPP.
The 艾伯塔省碳网 (ACG) is a carbon transportation system reaching the province’s largest sources of industrial emissions. 设计成一个开放存取系统, the ACG will serve as the backbone of Alberta’s emerging carbon capture utilization 和 storage (CCUS) industry, 连接麦克默里堡地区, 阿尔伯塔工业中心, 和 the Drayton Valley region to key sequestration locations 和 delivery points across the province, 服务于多个行业. 完全建成后, the system will be capable of transporting more than 20 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually.
了解更多氢- Hyzon协议
TC Energy 和 Hyzon have executed an agreement to explore joint co-developing 氢 hubs in the U.S. 和加拿大.
TC Energy 和 Nikola have executed a joint development to explore co-developing large-scale clean 氢 hubs in the U.S. 和加拿大.
说到氢, our goal is to help customers achieve sustainability goals via diverse feedstocks 和 new technologies to produce 氢 from renewable power (electrolysis), 从生物质中提取的可再生天然气(甲烷源氢), 天然气与碳捕获相结合.
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路易斯安那街700号 |
1.832.320.5903 | 安德鲁·伊舍伍德 |
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加拿大办公室 | ||
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路易斯安那街700号 |
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